Our Commitments

SpartanNash driver with fleet of trucks

SpartanNash’s success relies on the strength and wellbeing of our Associates, customers and communities. To ensure we are good stewards to our stakeholders, we committed to advancing our focus on ESG in 2021. We established governance of ESG at the Board level, created internal and external working groups to identify ESG opportunities most relevant to our business and industry, and began collecting additional data pertaining to ESG key performance indicators.

In 2022, we conducted a formal Materiality Assessment to help the Company establish short- and long-term goals for 2023 and beyond and establish best practices for data collection and disclosure. We will be sharing those results in 2023.

We are proud to share our inaugural Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report, which highlights Our Winning Recipe™ and how we create stakeholder and shareholder value by aligning our ESG initiatives with our Company’s strategic priorities. For this 2021 report, our focus areas were defined by our Core Capabilities, which include our People, Operational Excellence and Insights That Drive Solutions. These Core Capabilities are embedded within our corporate identity and overarching Company structure, which will help us continue to develop our strategic priorities and execute our goals to advance our ESG efforts.

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) were adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 as the world’s shared plan to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity. We aligned our ESG focus areas to the UN SDGs where we contribute most, as outlined within our report.

This report outlines our progress along this journey, as well as a look ahead. 

Cover of the 2021 ESG Report titled Putting People First: A Sustainable and Resilient Future
Click the image above to download SpartanNash’s 2021 ESG Report.


2020 Corporate Responsibility Highlights

2018-2019 Corporate Responsibility Progress Report

2017 Corporate Responsibility Report

2016 Corporate Responsibility Report

2015 Corporate Responsibility Report